Jordan's Website
"In order to work together, we must dance together." -The Gregory Brothers
<-- The Faces of "The Gregory Brothers"--Album artwork -->

Thanks for visiting my website...Please navigate to the samples section of my work in computer class. Thank you for your time.

Short Term Goals

1.Get good grades in the last quarter of 8th grade
2.Walk on the promotion day
3.Promote into High school

Long Term Goals

1. Graduate from a good college
2.Have a good career
3. Live a good life


I do a lot of walking and playing Call of Duty: Black Ops.....I also ride my bike, do parkour, and focus mainly on my school work...I also go to my friend's houses a lot.


Music- Green Day, Linkin Park, Muse, The Ramones
Favorite Song- "Blitzkrieg Bop" by The Ramones
Food- Pizza, cheeseburgers
Games- Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: World at War
Hobbies- Parkour, riding my bike, playing video games, hanging out with friends


Many people seem to be confused about this whole "Winning" fad....well, its pretty much just saying "Winning" when something is funny or when you "Win" at something (achieve) ...I hope that clears that up...'cause that's how I roll.